As a marketing leader, you ultimately need to own the strategy, the creative and the execution. If your agencies went away tomorrow, would you be able to carry on regardless?
Marketers must understand the overwhelming upsides of developing trust over the long-term. The brands, the companies, and the people we most trust are the very individuals and organizations that we turn to when we have a need.
Businesses that have open and robust conversations at the executive level around the cost of content and the role marketing content plays within the enterprise will create a stronger foundation for future success.
Advertising used to be an accepted feature of modern life. Now adblockers and web browsers allow us to switch off, or significantly minimize, ad exposure. What has changed in recent decades? Why are we becoming ever less tolerant of, ever more desensitized to, ads?
Too many marketers measure the effectiveness of initiatives only in terms of marketing metrics and miss the opportunity to connect it to overall business performance, says executive talent firm Korn Ferry.
Leveraging the full force of your communication channels, get your experts and your senior executives to speak up and contribute to industry discussions, whatever those topics may be.
Asset managers should provide content to their clients that focuses on the bigger picture and doesn't simply repeat the news of the day. That's the advice of Richard Lander of CityWire.
CMOs want to reduce their reliance on agencies and bring strategy in-house at the same time as their marketing spend on external agencies is increasing, according to recent research from Gartner.
According to a survey of more than 100 marketing professionals, the majority of marketers remain at "an intermediate level in terms of integrating content marketing with other programs like PR & social media."
The global CMO of investment firm BlackRock argues that trust is not only essential to business growth but is necessary for organizations looking to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.