There's no doubt blog posts are getting longer. But let's not forget economy of expression. What takes 1500 words to say at first pass can generally be condensed to 1000 words without over-diluting the content.
By keeping a corporate blog and insisting on high editorial standards, your business is generating value in ways that may not immediately seem obvious.
How you build your plan is dependent on numerous factors—the size and structure of your company, your comfort level with content creation, and the degree to which you are invested in content marketing as a practice.
As a marketing leader, you ultimately need to own the strategy, the creative and the execution. If your agencies went away tomorrow, would you be able to carry on regardless?
To achieve consistency in your blog output and to avoid "blogger heartache", you need a clear method. And at the heart of that method should be a simple document: your content brief.
Marketers must understand the overwhelming upsides of developing trust over the long-term. The brands, the companies, and the people we most trust are the very individuals and organizations that we turn to when we have a need.
Businesses that have open and robust conversations at the executive level around the cost of content and the role marketing content plays within the enterprise will create a stronger foundation for future success.