Is Advertising Really Broken?

Is Advertising Really Broken?

Advertising used to be an accepted feature of modern life. Now adblockers and web browsers allow us to switch off, or significantly minimize, ad exposure.  What has changed in recent decades? Why are we becoming ever less tolerant of, ever more desensitized to, ads? 

Businesses Continue to Struggle With Integrated Content Marketing

Businesses Continue to Struggle With Integrated Content Marketing

According to a survey of more than 100 marketing professionals, the majority of marketers remain at "an intermediate level in terms of integrating content marketing with other programs like PR & social media."

Asset Managers and Content Marketing: Universal Adoption Is Close

Asset Managers and Content Marketing: Universal Adoption Is Close

In a study of the world’s 200 largest asset management firms, integrated marketing firm BackBay finds that 88% of asset managers are regularly producing published content for their clients and wider audience.

IBM Drives Ahead on Cognitive Marketing

IBM Drives Ahead on Cognitive Marketing

IBM's North American chief marketing officer, Rashmy Chatterjee, says cognitive marketing powered by technologies such as IBM Watson heralds "a world of true business to individual marketing, personalized for every stage of the customer journey —intimately and at scale."