Content Marketing Consultancy

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Businesses Continue to Struggle With Integrated Content Marketing

Businesses continue to struggle to integrate their content marketing efforts across different channels and approaches, according to a survey from PAN Communications. 

The majority of marketers remain at "an intermediate level in terms of integrating content marketing with other programs like [PR] & social media," found PAN's 2017 Content Fitness Report.

Demonstrating tangible ROI on content investment also remains a pain point for marketing functions in businesses, according to the survey of more than 100 marketing professionals. 

The proportion of respondents struggling to measure the impact of their content strategy increased year-on-year from 51 percent to 76 percent, the survey said. 

To stay focused amid a plethora of data points and tools, marketers must ensure documented goals that align with their organization's high-level objectives are central to their content marketing programs.